Html Play Audio On Image Click


i have no idea which category this goes in so starting here since I have no idea how to even begin asking javascript or php questions … I have a page with several thumbnail images and need to attach a distinct audio track to each image. one of them should be looping, the rest a single listen.

I’ve done some web searching and found several solutions – some js and some html5 – for a single audio file attached to one or more images, but nothing about working with multiple images each with their own audio file.


I am working in #wordpress but am clueless about javascript and/or php, but I am pretty handy with html and css, though. my theme, weaver II pro, does facilitate adding script to the head area.


thanks in advance for any insight.

The audio tag used in HTML is relatively new. It hasn't been around forever. In fact, prior to this tag created with HTML5, HTML could not be used to play audio. Instead, an audio player would have to be used. Now, with HTML5, with the audio tag, audio files can be played with HTML. The browsers that support the rendering of the HTML5 audio tag. The current HTML5 draft specification does not specify which audio formats browsers should support in the audio tag. But most commonly used audio formats are ogg, mp3 and wav.

Html Play Audio On Image Click Test

Html play audio on image click test

Html Play Audio On Image Click

  • In other words, by specifying both a '.ogg' and '.mp3' file inside function createsoundbite, you should have covered all the major browsers.To convert one audio format to another, you can use an online audio converter such as this one.For more free 'click' related sound clips, check out this site. Once you've initialized a sound, call the function playclip to actually play the sound, such.
  • HTML5 is likely to put an end to audio plug-in such as Microsoft Windows Media player, Microsoft Silverlight, Apple QuickTime and the infamous Adobe Flash. If you don't see a audio player control in the dotted box above, your web browser probably don't support the audio tag. Above is a gallery of audio players by major web browsers.
  • Definition and Usage. The autoplay attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, the audio will automatically start playing as soon as it can do so without stopping.

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