N64 Emulator Keyboard Controls Mac

  1. N64 Emulator Keyboard Controls Mac
  2. N64 Emulator For Windows 10
  3. N64 Emulator Keyboard Controls Mac Os
  4. Best N64 Emulator For Pc
  5. N64 Emulator Keyboard Controls Machinery

RetroArch is the official front end for the libretro API. RetroArch and libretro provide a way to take an existing emulator and load that emulator as a library or 'core'. RetroArch then handles the input (controls) and output (graphics and audio) while the emulator core handles the emulation of the original system. With a few simple changes to the emulator source code, almost any existing emulator could become a libretro core.

Configure Menu - keyboard/0/Apple Extended USB Keyboard (I have a Response) Start Game (GameCube Game) but have no response from the Keyboard I'm a little disappointed because I thought this would be one of the fundamental parts of the emulator that would have no problems working, joypad yes, maybe a little teething problems but having keyboard. How to Play N64 on Mac: Have you ever wanted to go back to the good ol’ days and play your favorite classic video games?This set of instructions will show you how to quickly and easily download an Emulator on your Mac computer, which will allow you to play N64 Games.

SupraHLE is a best n64 emulator that was actually a community-created, modified version of UltraHLE, an extremely popular N64 emulator. Unfortunately, UltraHLE ceases to support or update awhile back and was in need of some love. It happens – these emulators do not exactly create a big corporate team.

In RetroPie, the libretro emulator cores are identified with a lr- in front of their name. For example, lr-snes9x2010 is the libretro core of the SNES emulator called snes9x2010.

RetroArch and libretro provide ability to configure controllers once for many emulators instead of having to configure each emulator individually. However, RetroArch also provides the freedom to configure specific emulators individually and even individual games differently if the user wants. This allows a specific setting or button mapping for a certain console or even just for a certain game.

  • No a N64 keyboard does not exist. You can play N64 games online using an emulator which you then use a keyboard to control, but there is no attachment keyboard for the N64 system.
  • To setup your controls within a given emulator, follow the instructions for that emulator, sometimes in a readme within the folder structure, sometimes on their website. For most once your controls work natively in the emulator they will continue working the same way through RL/HS.

For emulators which are not libretro cores, there are emulator-specific configurations under the respective system's wiki page.

The RetroPad concept

When you configure your controller in EmulationStation, the RetroPie setup script automatically configures RetroArch with the same controls.

RetroArch controls map real-world controller buttons to a virtual controller called a 'RetroPad'. A RetroPad does not exist in real life, it's a concept only within RetroArch. A RetroPad has an ABXY layout like a SNES controller plus four shoulder buttons and dual analog sticks like a Sony DualShock.

You don't have to map all of the RetroPad buttons to a real world button. If your real controller has less buttons than a DualShock, then the virtual RetroPad also has less buttons, that's perfectly fine.

As RetroArch starts an emulator core, it maps the RetroPad configuration to the emulated system's original controls. The mapping for many consoles is represented by the pictures below and on each system's wiki page. If you wish, you can reconfigure this control mapping, either for all RetroArch, for a specific system, or even for a specific ROM.

Retroarch Controls

There are 3 main ways to configure input for RetroArch:

  • Autoconfigurations - made in EmulationStation
  • Hardcoded Configurations - made by editing retroarch.cfg file(s)
  • Core Input Remapping - an easy way to do specific control configurations for specific cores, made in the RetroArch RGUI


RetroArch controls have been integrated into EmulationStation and will be the first thing you see when you boot from the RetroPie SD image the first time. You can also access it from the start menu within EmulationStation under the Configure Input option. Your joypad is automagically configured for libretro (RetroArch) emulators when you configure your controller in EmulationStation. You'll know if your controller has been automagically configured if you see a flash of yellow text on the bottom of the screen with your gamepad ID when you start a game.

The following diagrams are for the 3 most common controllers: Super Nintendo, Xbox 360, and PlayStation 3. They can be used as a reference when configuring your controllers. Each emulator page on the wiki has a diagram of the original controller for its respective console that will correspond to the same inputs listed below.

N64 Emulator Keyboard Controls Mac

After you've configured your controller the autoconfig will be created here:

This is an example config for a USB SNES controller

As seen above in the config for the USB SNES controller, each input on the controller has an associated value. When setting up the controller in EmulationStation, these values are then assigned a respective action on RetroArch.

For example, suppose the 'A' button on a USB SNES controller has a value of '1.' When setting up the controller, EmulationStation would prompt you to press the 'A' button on your controller. Pressing the 'A' button would then record into the config file as input_a_btn = '1', so RetroArch will know that the 'A' button on your physical controller corresponds to the 'A' button on RetroArch's virtual controller, the RetroPad. Therefore, the next time you play a game such as Super Mario Bros. pressing the 'A' button will tell RetroArch to press the 'A' button on its RetroPad, causing Mario to jump. If you accidentally pressed the 'B' button with a value of '2' during setup when it prompted for 'A,' then it would be recorded into the config file as input_a_btn = '2', so if you want to jump in Super Mario Bros., you would have to press 'B' on your controller.


Hotkeys are combinations of buttons you can press in order to access options such as saving, loading, and exiting games. The following defaults are set automatically the first time you set up your controller from EmulationStation (the numbers will vary depending the controller you use).

Default joypad hotkeys:

HotkeysActionCode Example
SelectHotkeyinput_enable_hotkey_btn = '6'
Select+StartExitinput_exit_emulator_btn = '7'
Select+Right ShoulderSaveinput_save_state_btn = '5'
Select+Left ShoulderLoadinput_load_state_btn = '4'
Select+RightInput State Slot Increaseinput_state_slot_increase_btn = 'h0right'
Select+LeftInput State Slot Decreaseinput_state_slot_decrease_btn = 'h0left'
Select+XRGUI Menuinput_menu_toggle_btn = '3'
Select+BResetinput_reset_btn = '0'

Determining Button Values

If you want to edit the entries in the .cfg file for your controller, you will need to know the values corresponding to the buttons on your controller. Usually the relationship between the two can be deduced by looking at the file and noting the entries' names along with the values next to them, assuming that the values have not been jumbled from previous edits or been mixed up due to unknown issues. For example, the USB gamepad above has an entry for input_x_btn = '0', indicating that the 'X' button on the controller (or the button that you associated as 'X' during controller setup in EmulationStation) has a value of '0.'

On the other hand, maybe you are not sure if the values in the .cfg file is correct or the file is missing entries for buttons that are available on your own controller, such as a 'Home' button. You can run jstest (joystick test) in the terminal by selecting Quit EmulationStation (a keyboard will be required for the following steps).

In the terminal, type and enter
jstest /dev/input/js0

Replace js0 with js1, js2, js3, etc. as needed if not detected.

A multitude of rows and columns should appear. Pressing buttons or moving analog sticks/joystick will cause various entries in the columns to swap between on and off and fluctuate through a range of numbers. The value next to an on/off entry corresponds to the button that you have pressed. The fluctuation of numbers from -32767 to 32767 correspond to the input on your controller that has a range of motion, such as analog sticks/triggers.

If you are interested in figuring out which is your 'Select' button, pressing and holding 'Select' on your controller will cause one column to switch from off to on. The value next to it corresponds to the 'Select' button. If you have a controller with a 'Home' button, pressing the 'Home' button will also cause one column to switch from off to on. To exit jstest, press Ctrl + c. To return to EmulationStation from the terminal, type and enter emulationstation.

Using these values, you can edit the .cfg file for that controller as needed. For example, if you were interested in switching the your Hotkey button to a 'Home' button available on your controller, you would edit input_enable_hotkey_btn = 'some number', replacing 'some number' with the value you found for your 'Home' button in jstest.

Video Tutorial

Hardcoded Configurations

These configurations are manual edits you can make that are locked to a specific libretro core and controller. Hardcoded controls can be configured either globally, specific to the emulator core, or specific to an individual game.

Config Hierarchy

All RetroArch based emulators can be configured in the following way:

Global settings - that are settings which should apply to all systems - are done in the file:


System-specific settings are done in the files:


Here, SYSTEMNAME is atari2600, snes, etc. All settings in these files will override the corresponding global setting as long as they are placed above the #includeconfig line.

ROM-specific settings can be created in the runcommand menu and show up as configuration files by ROM title:


The ROMNAME includes the original file extension before the .cfg, e.g. supermariobros.zip.cfg These configurations are used when starting this specific ROM.

Custom RetroArch Override Examples

Example Default Per-System retroarch.cfg

Example Per-System Control Override retroarch.cfg


Note the values below are for one person's controller, your values may differ. Make sure that these values are placed above the #includeconfig line:

Example Per-ROM Override retroarch.cfg

Core Input Remapping

Core Input Remapping differs from the other two methods as it remaps how the core receives input rather than how the gamepad is coded, for example you can tell the snes core to switch button A and B on the controller for gameplay, but you can still use 'A' to select in the RGUI and 'B' to go back where as hard-coding would make B select and A back. Core Remapping is much more practical than hard-coded mapping but is limited to the cores that support it.

N64 Emulator For Windows 10

  • Start a game of the system you want to remap the buttons
  • Invoke RGUI (Hotkey+X with player 1)
  • Go to Quick Menu and then Controls
  • Configure the buttons the way you want
  • Select Save Core Remap File
  • OR, if you want to save this remapping for the current game only, select Save Game Remap File

Remaps are saved as .rmp files in directory:

Retroarch Controls Cheat-Sheet

Video Tutorials

  • Core input remapping: Remapping your controller by Floob
  • Testing Joypad: Testing joystick by Floob
  • Configuring USB Controllers With Retroarch, Controller not configured fix by Herb Fargus
  • Configure a wireless PS3 controller with RetroPie 3 by Floob
  • XBox 360 Wireless Controller Configuration by Herb Fargus

Default Core Controls for All Emulators


Atari 2600

Atari Lynx


Gameboy Color

Gameboy Advance

Game Gear


Megadrive/Genesis (3 Button)

Megadrive/Genesis (6 Button)

Nintendo 64

Nintendo DS


Neo Geo

Neo Geo Pocket




Super Nintendo

Sega Saturn





Sega Dreamcast


Stage 3: input plugins - controls to play goldeneye on pc

N64 Emulator Keyboard Controls MacN64 Emulator Keyboard Controls Mac

Straight up, I will tell you that it's a sin to play GoldenEye on the PC without the original controllers. You will have to buck up for the usb adapters, but it's a great investment. I have 4 of them which shouldn't surprise most of you.

All is not lost though, you should really see how your PC can handle GoldenEye via emulator first. You can easily configure the emulator to use keyboard for movement. Yes, if you really want to sin, you can set up the emu to play like the standard PC shooters with keyboard and mouse. I don't know much about it since I don't play it that way. Just for the record, I won't play you online unless you are using the original controllers! Well, why give you an advantage right?

Step 1: What input plugin to use

Like the video plugins, there are many different input plugins. I've always used Jabo's which is packaged with PJ64. Like all plugins it can be moved and used in 1964, but it is designed to be used exclusively with PJ64. If you are unsure about moving a plugin, then please read here. As mentioned above there is an input plugin that you can use which will allow the PC style shooter control with keyboard and mouse. Dig around and you will find the information on that here.

Step 2: how to use the input plugin

Once you've opened the emulator, you need to navigate to the above location.

Select 'input settings' as shown in the above screenshot.

Here you see the nicely laid out configuration. If you do not have an adapter to use the original Nintendo 64 controller, then the default settings will be fine. Just use the default keyboard button assignments. You will at the very least be able to play around in the levels and be amazed (or not) at how beautiful the levels look on your PC. Again, I suggest you buck up and just pick up a controller adapter here.

The above screenshot is for those of you who plan on using a joystick for playing GoldenEye on the emulator. You can select from whatever devices that are connected to your PC. How do you configure the controllers?

Yes, back to this screenshot. Beside each button in this configuration window, you see a little box. Just click it and you can press the button on the controller that you want. This is easy, and is no different than configuring for any other game. Now, what I recommend you do is, click 'Save Profile' once you have configured the buttons the way you like. Just remember where you save the profile! Note also that the box beside 'Controller is plugged in' has a check. Make sure you have that clicked or you won't be controlling anything once the game starts.

Step 3: how to properly setup nintendo 64 controller calibration

This is a critical step in using the Nintendo 64 controller on your PC! Each time you unplug the USB adapter, you will have to re-calibrate it. This is very important!! Don't worry though, it's not a long or difficult process, but it is essential that you do the calibration. Okay? If you UNPLUG your USB adapter, you will have to RESET the calibration. Got it? Good!


N64 Emulator Keyboard Controls Mac Os

In the above screenshot is Control Panel. You need to get to the Control Panel which can be done various ways in Windows. Once in Control Panel click 'Game Controllers' which is highlighted by the red box above.

After clicking 'Game Controllers' in the Control Panel, you will see the above window. The Nintendo 64 controller will be shown as '4 axis 16 button joystick' which is highlighted by the red box above. After selecting that controller, then click the 'Properties' box which is shown in the screenshot above.

Next you will get the above window. Be sure to click on the 'Settings' tab which is highlighted above in the screenshot. Next, click on the 'Calibrate' button which is indicated above.

Okay, now the easy part! All you need to do is follow the Calibration Wizard, which will enable you to set the controller properly so you move at the speed when moving the Nintendo 64 joystick! This won't take more than 2 or 3 minutes, but take your time and make sure that you follow exactly what the wizard asks for. When you have to move the joystick in certain directions, make sure that you do! Ensure that the direction moves the on-screen display to the maximum level. The wizard will ask you to move the controller on X and Y axis, and to do this properly, you will have to ensure that the direction you move the joystick is in fact the proper direction. Just experiment, and you will set up the contoller fine.

I can't say this enough....make sure that when you go through the wizard, move the joystick in a way that the graphical meters respond to the maximum possible extremes. If you move the controller stick and the blue graphical meter barely moves, then you need to move the joystick lett to right, instead of up and down. So, Z axis is LEFT and RIGHT movements. Y axis is UP and DOWN movements. Got it?

Step 4: how to play multiplayer with only one controller

Best N64 Emulator For Pc

This may seem impossible, but really it's not. Simply click on the 'Player 2' tab which you can see in the screenshot above. What you will do is simply click the box beside 'Controller is plugged in'. Use the drop down menu to use the same joystick that you are using for Player 1, or if you are using the keyboard, just leave it set at the default 'none'. That's it really. You can do this for all 4 players if you want to check around some multiplayer levels that you wouldn't be able to otherwise.

N64 Emulator Keyboard Controls Machinery

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