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[ ISM ] An Introduction to Mechanics by Kleppner
[ ISM ] An Introduction to Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (2nd Ed, Keith Stowe)
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[ ISM ] Applied Quantum Mechanics by A. F. J. Levi
[ ISM ] Classical Mechanics 2nd Ed by Goldstein
[ ISM ] Classical Mechanics by Douglas Gregory
[ ISM ] Continuum Electromechanics by James R. Melcher
[ ISM ] Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials 5th Ed by Hertzberg, Vinci
[ ISM ] Design Analysis in Rock Mechanics by William G. Pariseau
[ ISM ] Elementary mechanics & thermodynamics jhon w.Nobury
[ ISM ] ENGINEERING BIOMECHANICS (STATICS) by Angela Matos, Eladio Pereira, Juan Uribe and Elisandra Valentin
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[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics by Boresi, Schmidt
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics by Gray, Costanzo, Plesha
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, 5th Ed (J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige)
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, 6th Ed (J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige)
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics, 7th Ed (J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige)
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Statics (10th Edition) by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Statics (11th Edition) by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Statics by Boresi, Schmidt
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Statics, 4th Ed (J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige)
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Statics, 6th Ed (J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige)
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics - Statics, 7th Ed (J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige)
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics : Dynamics (11th Ed., Hibbeler)
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics by Manoj Kumar Harbola
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics Dynamic (10th Edition) hibbeler
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics Dynamics (12th Ed., Hibbeler)
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics Dynamics 13th Edition by R.C.Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics Dynamics 14th Ed by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, 5th Edition by Bedford & Fowler
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics Dynamics, by R. C. Hibbeler, 3rd
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics of Solids (2nd Edition) by Egor P. Popov
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics Statics (12th Ed., Hibbeler)
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics Statics 13th Edition by R.C.Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics Statics, 5th Edition by Bedford & Fowler
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics 2nd E by Riley, Sturges
[ ISM ] Engineering Mechanics, Statics 2nd E by Riley, Sturges
[ ISM ] Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations: Basic Geotechnics 7th Ed., by David F. McCarthy
[ ISM ] Finite Element Techniques in Structural Mechanics Ross
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics (5th Ed., White)
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics 4th Ed by Cohen, Kundu
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics 4th Edition by Frank M. White
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics 5th Edition by Frank M. White
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics 6th Edition by Frank M. White
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery 5th Ed., by S.L. Dixon
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics by CENGEL
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics Egon Krause
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, 3rd Ed by Noel de Nevers
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications 3rd Ed by Cengel & Cimbala
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by Çengel & Cimbala
[ ISM ] Fluid Mechanics with Engineering Applications, 10th Edition, by Finnemore
[ ISM ] Fox and McDonald's Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 9th Edition by Philip J. Pritchard, John W. Mitchell
[ ISM ] fracture mechanics ; fundamentals and applications, 2E, by T.L. Anderson
[ ISM ] Fundamental Quantum Mechanics for Engineers by Leon van Dommelen
[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 5th Ed by Munson Young Okiishi
[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics 6th Ed by Munson
[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 4E by Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H.
[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition by Bruce R. Munson, Donald F. Young, Theodore H. Okiishi, Wade W. Huebsch
[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics by C.L. Tang
[ ISM ] Introduction to Fluid Mechanics 7 E., by Robert Fox, Alan McDonald & Philip
[ ISM ] Introduction to Fluid Mechanics (6E., Robert Fox, Alan McDonald & Philip)
[ ISM ] Introduction to fluid mechanics 5th edition by Alan T. McDonald, Robert W Fox
[ ISM ] Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 1st edition (1995) by David J. Griffiths
[ ISM ] Introduction to Quantum Mechanics 2nd Ed., by David J. Griffiths
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[ ISM ] Mechanics of Fluids 3rd ED Vol 1 by Merle C. Potter
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Fluids 4th ED by I.H. Shames
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Fluids 8th Ed., by Massey
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials 5 edition by James M. Gere
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials - An Integrated Learning System, 2nd Edition by Timothy A. Philpot
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials 4 E by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials 4th Ed by Beer Johnston
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials 6th Ed., Riley, by Sturges & Morris
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials 8th E by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials 9th Ed by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Mechanics Of Materials Beer Johnston 3rd
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials, 2nd Ed by Roy R. Craig
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials, 6E, by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials, 6th Edition - James M. Gere & Barry Goodno
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials, 7E, by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials, 7th Edition - by James M. Gere & Barry Goodno
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Materials, 8th Edition by James M. Gere & Barry Goodno
[ ISM ] mechanics of solids by C. T. F. Ross
[ ISM ] Mechanics of Solids, 9th Edition by R.C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Modern Quantum Mechanics (Revised Edition) by J. J. Sakurai
[ ISM ] Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students 2nd ED by Curtis
[ ISM ] Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students by Curtis
[ ISM ] Quantum Mechanics - by B. Brinne
[ ISM ] Quantum Mechanics: An Accessible Introduction by Robert Scherrer
[ ISM ] Reinforced Concrete: Mechanics and Design 5th Ed., by James G. MacGregor & James K. Wight
[ ISM ] Soil Mechanics 7th ed by R. F. Craig
[ ISM ] Soil Mechanics Concepts and Applications, 2nd Ed., by Powrie
[ ISM ] Statics and Mechanics of Materials by Bedford, Fowler, Liechti
[ ISM ] Statics and Mechanics of Materials, 2/E., by Russell C. Hibbeler
[ ISM ] Unsaturated Soil Mechanics by Lu and Likos ,Wiley 2004
[ ISM ] Unsaturated Soil Mechanics by Ning Lu and William J. Likos
[ ISM ] Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics (6th Ed., Ferdinand P. Beer)
[ ISM ] Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics (7th Ed., Ferdinand P. Beer)
[ ISM ] Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics (8th Ed., Ferdinand P. Beer)
[ ISM ] Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics 10th Edition by Beer
[ ISM ] Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics (7th Ed., Ferdinand P. Beer)
[ ISM ] Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics (8th Ed., Ferdinand P. Beer)
[ ISM ] Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics & Dynamics (6th Ed., Ferdinand P. Beer)
[ ISM ] Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics 10th Edition by Beer
[ ISM ] Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics 9th Edition by Beer
[ ISM ] A Brief Introduction To Fluid Mechanics, 5th Edition by Donald F. Young, Bruce R. Munson, Theodore H. Okiishi and Wade W. Huebsch
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[ ISM ] Mechanical Engineering Design 9th Ed by Shigley & Budynas
[ ISM ] Mechanical Engineering Design, 7th Ed. by Mischke, Shigley
[ ISM ] Mechanical Measurements by 6th Ed., Beckwith, Marangoni & Lienhard
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[ ISM ] Mechanical Vibrations 5th Ed by Rao
[ ISM ] Mechanical Vibrations 5th Ed by Rao
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[ ISM ] Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurements Systems 3rd Ed by Alciatore, Histand
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[ ISM ] Mechanics of Aircraft Structures, 2nd Ed by Sun
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[ ISM ] An Introduction to Economic Dynamics by Ronald Shone
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[ ISM ] Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems, 5th Ed, by Marion, Thornton
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[ ISM ] Classical Electrodynamics 2nd ED by John David Jackson
[ ISM ] Classical Electrodynamics by John David Jackson
[ ISM ] Computational Techniques for Fluid Dynamics Srinivas, K., Fletcher, C.A.J.
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[ ISM ] Dynamics of Structures 2nd ED by Clough, Penzien
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[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 6th Ed by Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro
[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th Ed by Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro
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[ ISM ] Modern Thermodynamics - From Heat Engines to Dissipative Structures Vol 1 by Kondepudi, Prigogine
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[ ISM ] System Dynamics 3rd Ed. by Katsuhiko Ogata
[ ISM ] System Dynamics and Response, by S. Graham Kelly
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[ ISM ] Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach 8th Ed by Cengel, Boles
[ ISM ] Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach, 2E Yunus A. Çengel
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[ ISM ] Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach by 7th Ed., Cengel
[ ISM ] Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach (6th Ed., Cengel)
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[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Machine Component Design (3rd Ed., Juvinall)
[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Machine Component Design 4th Ed by Juvinall
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[ ISM ] Fundamentals of Machine Elements by Bernard Hamrock
[ ISM ] Machine Design : An Integrated Approach 3rd Ed., by Norton
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[ ISM ] Neural networks and learning machines 3rd edition by Simon S. Haykin
[ ISM ] The Language of Machines, An Introduction to Computability and Formal Languages by Richard Beigel
[ ISM ] Mechanism Design Analysis and Synthesis (4th Edition) by Erdman, Sandor, Kota
[ ISM ] Managing Engineering and Technology 4th, by Morse & Babcock
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Solutions Manual Engineering Mechanics Statics, 13th Edition Russell C. Hibbeler
In his revision of Engineering Mechanics, R.C. Hibbeler empowers students to succeed in the whole learning experience. Hibbeler achieves this by calling on his everyday classroom experience and his knowledge of how students learn inside and outside of lecture. This text is ideal for civil and mechanical engineering professionals.
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ISBN-13: 978-0132915540
ISBN-10: 0132915545
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