Super Mario Sunshine Download For Mac Dolphin

From the announcement made on November 10th, 2020, users have had high hopes for the new Apple M1 devices. With its powerful Apple Silicon processor smashing benchmarks all over the place, users and developers were both asking if a native Dolphin build would be possible. Now we have the answer.

  1. Super Mario Sunshine Download For Mac Dolphin Emulator
  2. Super Mario Sunshine Download | GameFabrique
  3. See Full List On
  4. See Full List On
  5. GameCube

Apple's M1 hardware is incredibly powerful and excels at running Dolphin. This announcement has been in the works for some time, eagle eyed users may have noticed that earlier this month macOS builds were now being designated as 'Intel'. That's because delroth and Skyler had set up a new buildbot using a service called MacStadium for creating Universal macOS binaries. These builds are available immediately and natively support both macOS M1 and Intel macOS devices.

Tackling macOS on ARM¶

It is an understatement to say that Apple dropped a bomb on the PC industry with the M1 ARM processor. ARM is a Reduced Instruction Set Computing (RISC) architecture that was specifically designed for efficiency with portable devices. With a tight instruction set instead of the ever ballooning mess that is x86, ARM was able to get away with literally less processor while performing optimized tasks, giving it exceptional power efficiency. However given unoptimized workloads, an ARM processor would need many more cycles to perform it than an x86 CPU. All combined, ARM was the processor of choice for battery life in portable devices, but when pushed they had poor overall performance compared to Intel's x86 processors. It was a processor for casual things like phones, and not really meant for 'real work'. But that is the past.

Intel's iron grip of process superiority has long slipped, and the ARM instruction set has carefully expanded to more efficiently handle more tasks while not sacrificing power efficiency. Yet even with ARM reaching datacenters and even some interesting hardware giving us a glimpse at what could be, ARM's reputation as being weaker than x86 has remained firmly entrenched.

If you do not have the GameCube, you can Download the GameCube emulator from here, so you can play it on your computer, Android phone and iPhone. Thanks to the developer of this Super Mario Sunshine – GameCube rom/ Emulator for submitting the file here, so others can also enjoy it. Have fun playing the amazing Super Mario Sunshine (EU) game for Nintendo GameCube. This is the Europe version of the game and can be played using any of the GameCube emulators available on our website. Download the Super Mario Sunshine (EU) ROM now and enjoy playing this game on your computer or phone.

But with M1, Apple has completely shattered this foolish notion. Not only can the M1 perform the same tasks as their former Intel processors, they can do it faster even when using their Rosetta 2 translation layer! All of this while still providing considerably better single threaded performance compared to Intel. Let's just say they had gotten our attention.

We immediately put it through its paces. Using the Rosetta 2 translation layer with Dolphin's x86-64 JIT, the M1 easily ran most games at full speed and handily outran like-class Intel Macs. The experience wasn't entirely smooth due to jitter from Jitting a JIT, yet the processor proved itself more than capable of handling Dolphin. But the fact it had to do it through a translation layer was a huge performance bottleneck. Developers thought, why not just use Dolphin's AArch64 JIT for native support? And thus, the race was on as several people tried to figure out the hurdles of getting Dolphin's AArch64 JIT to run on the M1.

Unfortunately, getting the AArch64 JIT to work wasn't exactly trivial. Apple requires W^X (Write Xor Execute) conformance for native macOS M1 applications. What it does is make it so that areas of memory must be explicitly marked as for WriteorExecute, but not both! Because it's easier and hasn't been forbidden on any of the prior platforms that Dolphin supports, the emulator previously just marked memory regions used by the JIT as for WriteandExecute. This requirement from Apple is mostly a security feature to prevent bugs in programs that read untrusted data from being exploited to run malware. Outside of emulators, the primary place that you'll actually see self-modifying code is web browsers, which is often a vector for attack on a computer.

This was thankfully a lot less strict than on iOS devices, which strictly forbid mapping memory as executable whatsoever and made iOS untenable for us to officially support. Apple even provides documentation for helping developers port JITs to macOS on ARM. Skyler used a method described in the documentation that would change the mapped memory between Writeable when emitting code to Executable when executing code. Since Dolphin wasn't designed for this, there were a few hiccups along the way, but eventually everything was massaged into working with the new restrictions.

Once that was out of the way, the focus shifted towards maintainability and setting up the infrastructure. Beyond getting it to run correctly, this was by far the hardest challenge to official M1 support. Dolphin's infrastructure is rather complicated and sensitive to changes. Moving macOS builds over to a universal binary (x86-64 and AArch64 all in one) along with getting the hardware necessary to build macOS universal binaries was a challenge and could have proven to be an expensive endeavor. In the end, MacStadium made the move extremely inexpensive by providing us with free access to M1 hardware, so we were able to focus on making Dolphin's buildbot infrastructure handle the new builds.

Super Mario Sunshine Download For Mac Dolphin Emulator

Putting the M1 Hardware To The Test¶

So now that it runs, you're probably wondering how does it run. There's a few things we need to keep in mind. Dolphin's AArch64 JIT isn't quite as mature as the x86-64 JIT. While things aren't as bad as they were a couple of years ago and compatibility should be roughly the same thanks to efforts from JosJuice, it is still the less complete of the two JITs.

One of the differences is instruction coverage. Any PowerPC instruction that isn't included in the JIT has to fallback to interpreter, which costs a huge performance penalty. Most common instructions are covered by both JITs at this point. There is one important feature missing in the AArch64 Jit, though: memchecks. Thankfully, this only affects Full MMU games such as Star Wars Rogue Squadron II, III, and Spider-Man 2. There are some niceties missing from AArch64 JIT, too, like JitCache space reuse used to prevent spurious JitCache flushes.

AArch64 does have its advantages, though. Namely, the processors have 31 registers, compared to the 16 available in x86-64 processors. The PowerPC processor we are emulating has 32 registers, and while it is rare for all of them to be used within a single code block, more registers is always nice to have. Another difference is that AArch64 and PowerPC have 3 operand instructions while x86-64 only has two.

As you can see, it makes emulating some instructions much cleaner and easier than on our x86-64 JIT. Alright, enough with the boring details. How does the M1 hardware perform when put up against some of the beasts of the GameCube and Wii library? We also included data from two computers featured in Progress Reports previously for comparison.

There's no denying it; macOS M1 hardware kicks some serious ass. It absolutely obliterates a two and a half year old Intel MacBook Pro that was over three times its price all while keeping within ARM's reach of a powerful desktop computer. We were so impressed, we decided to make a second graph to express it.

Super Mario Sunshine - NVIDIA SHIELD Android TV - Dolphin Emulator 4.0-7947 (1080p) - GameCube

The efficiency is almost literally off the chart. Compared to an absolute monstrosity of a Desktop PC, it uses less than 1/10th of the energy while providing ~65% of the performance. And the poor Intel MacBook Pro just can't compare.

Taking Things a (Lock)Step Further¶

After doing strenuous performance testing on the macOS M1 and its Apple Silicon, it was clear that it was powerful. The problem is that if you give developers a new toy, they eventually decide to push things further and further. This was the first time we got to see Dolphin's AArch64 JIT really stretch its legs on something other than a phone or tablet with an ultra aggressive governor that's also limited by graphics drivers. What is the absolute worst idea that we could come up with given this new found power? Netplay.

This was the real test to see if the AArch64 JIT and x86-64 JIT truly equals. We couldn't exactly test this before because the Android GUI lacks netplay support, but macOS runs the desktop version with no compromises. That includes having full netplay support. Now, testing this was mostly a joke because there are tons of differences between the JITs. Everything from instruction coverage to known rounding errors. The chances of this working was next to zero. But there was no reason to stop and think if we should - technology had made it so we could.

And it actually worked! We just can't be certain exactly how well yet due to limited testing. Every single game we've tested on netplay so far has managed to synchronize, albeit with Dolphin's desync checker giving a false positive. Testers have tried everything from Super Smash Bros. Melee and Mario Party 5 to things like spectating The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. All of the sessions stayed in sync.

This might not be true for all games. Up until earlier this month, games like Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, F-Zero GX, and Mario Kart Wii would immediately desync due to physics differences. Thanks to the work of JosJuice, those rounding bugs in the AArch64 JIT and interpreter (...we'll get to that in the Progress Report) are now fixed, meaning these games should at least have a chance to sync on netplay.

Because of limited libraries, we don't have a great idea of what games will work and what games are problematic. As a stress test, Techjar and Skyler played the Super Mario Sunshine Co-op Mod. The physics calculations in Super Mario Sunshine are extremely sensitive to CPU rounding bugs and it provided a tough test for both JITs. Oh yeah, they also enabled the 60 FPS hack just to make things even more interesting.

Everyone knowledgeable on Dolphin's JITs thought that cross-JIT netplay would be impossible, at least without tons of dedicated fixes. Yet here we are, able to experience it first hand. And it can only get better from here, as we are now able to monitor and test JIT determinism on netplay. While you might be excited to dive right in, it's important to note that we were only able to test a few games and we have no idea what compatibility will look like when unleashed on the wider library.

Note:Yes, we're aware that Windows and Linux AArch64 devices existed before the M1. There was no allure to testing netplay on those because they could not run Dolphin reasonably. We really didn't expect this to work or we probably would have tried it sooner.

In Conclusion¶

There's little else we can say: The M1 hardware is fantastic and higher tiers are on the way promising even better performance. But what we have is already efficient, powerful, and gives us a mainstream AArch64 device that isn't Android and uses our AArch64 JIT to its fullest potential. The only big downside is the proprietary graphics API present in macOS that prevents us from using the latest versions of OpenGL and forces us to use MoltenVK in order to take advantage of Vulkan. That is a very small price to pay to get a glimpse at some really cool hardware that redefines what an ARM processor can do. There's undeniable excitement for the next generation of AArch64 hardware to see how much further that this can go.


EDITORS NOTE: A small error was noticed in our 9900k performance testing. This has been corrected. However, the differences are very minor and do not affect our conclusion.

Super Mario Sunshine Download For Mac Dolphin
09-18-2020, 02:58 AM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 11:34 PM by HenrikoMagnifico.)
Hi! Welcome to my HD texture pack information page for Super Mario Sunshine 4K!

  • There are ~1500 textures in total in the game (I have tried to dump every single one, however I may have missed a few). Out of these textures roughly 500 have been completely re-textured. Many other textures have been been up-scaled using A.I upscaling. Some filtered textures have been modified or changed entirely to look better as well. Some textures remain completely untouched until I've worked on them since some textures look bad when upscaled.
  • I am completely up for suggestions, changes and submissions. You will of course be fully credited for any work you submit.
  • The 4K version of the texture pack is scaled to 8x the default resolution, this means that (if internal resolution is increased in Dolphin) you may be able to view some textures at a staggering 6832x3480 resolution! Taking into account that you are using the widescreen hack of course. The 1080p version is scaled to 4x the default resolution, which results to slightly above 1080p.
  • This texture pack is made for Ishiiruka Dolphin and includes shader presets to provide nice graphical features like Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (self shadowing around meshes), Bloom, Depth of Field, Tone Mapping and much more. And you can tweak it to make the game look however you like!
  • My goal with this texture pack is to enhance the original game visuals while staying faithful to the original vision. That means my textures are meant to blend in as much as possible with the old textures so the game feel doesn't change too much.

  • This texture pack is for Super Mario Sunshine on the GameCube only. There are no plans to port it to the Switch version in Super Mario 3D All Stars.
  • This texture pack will work with any custom mods / hacks of Super Mario Sunshine as long as they aren't adding new textures or changing old ones (in that case, conflicting textures will be overwritten by one another but it will still work).
Super mario sunshine download for mac dolphin games
  • Ishiiruka-Dolphin is required to make material maps, shaders and other nice visual features work and is highly recommended. There is a custom fork of Ishiiruka Dolphin inside the texture pack download which you can use, or alternatively download the latest version of Ishiiruka-Dolphin (pros only!).
  • There is a 60 FPS patch provided with the texture pack, and it works without any major issues on the NTSC (North American) version of the game. The European version also has a 60 FPS patch, but might cause some glitches (most notably laggy cutscenes). Therefore, the 60 FPS patch is only enabled by default on the NTSC version of the game. The Japanese version has no codes enabled at all by default and is not recommended.
  • Currently, only NTCS and PAL textures have been modified. You can still use this texture pack on Japanense / Korean versions of the game in Dolphin, it will still work. This will not include the Jap/Kor region specific textures though.
  • If you don't like the way my texture pack looks over the original, please note that all post processing can be modified easily from user to user to fit your own preference. If you think 'I'd rather play Switch version' then this probably isn't for you.
  • If you are having issues with stuttering and lag, remember to check 'Prefetch Custom Textures' in the 'Advanced' tab of the Graphics settings before asking for help. I also recommend enabling V-Sync as it removes screen tearing in full screen mode. If it's still lagging, try lowering the internal resolution a bit.
  • This texture pack is in no way shape or form related to the Super Mario 3D All Stars remaster of Super Mario Sunshine!
  • Feel free to join my Discord server for updates on all my texture packs!

Why would I play this over the Switch / Super Mario 3D All Stars version?
There are many reasons why you would want to play the GameCube version of Super Mario Sunshine with a HD Texture Pack over the Switch version. Here are some I've listed out the top of my head;
  • Better visuals (Higher resolution textures, material maps, rim lighting, depth of field, ambient occlusion, global illumination, tonemapping, post processing shaders and even ray tracing which is coming at a later date!)
  • It's cheap (if you own the original game, you don't need to pay 60$ to play it in HD)
  • Android Support
  • Full GameCube controller support (including rumble)
  • 60 FPS & 120 FPS patches
  • Ultra Widescreen Support (21:9 or even higher)
  • Superior mods and modding tools
  • Free Cam
  • Supports a plethora of cheats and patches
  • Stereoscopic 3D support
  • VR Potential
  • Supports nearly all gamepads. Including PS4, Xbox One, GameCube or the Switch Pro Controller.


For1.0.1 (2020-09-27):
* Eyes of various NPCs are now in 4K

[color=#241e12]* Fixed the issue where some NPCs eyes would look bugged when they blinked (for example Mario or Peach)[/color]
[color=#241e12]* Fixed a bug where the goop would disappear after playing for an extended period of time.[/color]
[color=#241e12]* Removed the heat wave effect by default, everything is much clearer now! The heat wave effect can easily be enabled again inside the 'Cheats' menu, which you can access by right clicking Super Mario Sunshine in the game list and then go to 'Properties'.[/color]
[color=#241e12]* Updated the shine gate texture to make it pearly white again.[/color]
[color=#241e12]* Updated shaders and tone mapping.[/color]
[color=#241e12]* Added shaders and tone mapping to the European (PAL) version.[/color]
[color=#241e12]* Added global illumination (experimental)[/color]
[color=#241e12]* Updated some HUD elements, including the coin icon, to match more of those in the original.[/color]
[color=#241e12]* Updated some terrain textures to be more faithful to the original textures.[/color]

Super Mario Sunshine Download | GameFabrique

[color=#241e12]* Updated gaussian amalflare- clear white things are now brighter in the sunlight and produce a neat reflection effect.[/color]
[color=#241e12]* Optimized textures for improved performance and reduced file size (compressed using BC7 DDS by default, a PNG version will be available as well for Android users).[/color]
1.0.0 (2020-09-17):
  • Initial release

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(Please watch in 2160P, 60 FPS for the best experience!)


Installation guide:
There is no installation! A custom version of Dolphin called Ishiiruka Dolphin is provided alongside the texture pack. Simply extract the folder somewhere and start Dolphin using 'Super Mario Sunshine 4K.exe'. If you're on Mac or Linux, please manually download Ishiiruka Dolphin from this page for your operating system and copy all the folders from the texture pack over to your default Dolphin directory.

If you encounter any issues with the texture pack please post them in the comments of this post, or PM them to me.

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